European Conference of Tropical Ecology 2017, February 06 – 10, Brussels, Belgium,
We draw your attention to our session ‘Session 10: Forests in space and time: Connecting Remote Sensing, Field Data, and Models’ at the European Conference of Tropical Ecology in Brussels.
Follow our session.
ForestSAT2016, November 14 – 18, Santiago, Chile,
- Nikolai Knapp: Relating forest height structure to virtual ground truth data.
- Rico Fischer: How much forest area should be sampled to get accurate biomass estimations at different scales?
- Andreas Huth: Tandem-L: Global Observation of Ecological Processes on the Earth’s Surface with Two L-Band SAR Satellites.
Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GfÖ) 2016, September 05 – 09, Marburg, Germany,
- Stephan Getzin: Kilimanjaro forest landscapes assessed from LiDAR point clouds: is there bias in field studies of forest structure?
EcoSummit 2016, August 29 – September 01, Montpellier, France,
- Friedrich Bohn: The forest factory: A tool to analyse the sensitivity of wood production under climate change for different forest structures and species mixtures
GEO-BON Open Science Conference & All Hands Meeting 2016, July 04 – 08, Leipzig, Germany,
- Rico Fischer: Fragmentation of Tropical Forests: A Forgotten Process in the Global Carbon Cycle?
- Nikolai Knapp: Joining Remote Sensing and Dynamic Forest Modelling for Estimations of Intrinsic Forest Attributes from Lidar or Radar
- Franziska Taubert: The Packing of Trees in Forests and its Implications for Remote Sensing
- Edna Rödig: Differences of productivity in the Amazon rainforest: linking an individual-based forest gap model and remote sensing data
53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC) 2016, June 19 – 23, Montpellier, France,
- Edna Rödig: Differences of productivity in the Amazon rainforest: linking an individual-based forest gap model and remote sensing data
- Franziska Taubert: The Structure of Tropical Forests and Sphere Packing
- Rico Fischer: How much forest area should be sampled to get accurate biomass estimations?
- Stephan Getzin: Kilimanjaro forest landscapes assessed from LiDAR point clouds: is there bias in field studies of forest structure?
ESA Living Planet Symposium (LPS) 2016, May 09 – 13, Prague, Czech Republic,
- Nikolai Knapp: Joining Remote Sensing and Dynamic Forest Modelling for Estimations of Intrinsic Forest Attributes from Lidar or Radar
- Franziska Taubert: The Packing of Trees in Forests and its Implications for Remote Sensing
- Friedrich Bohn: The influence of forest structure on forest productivity
European Conference Of Tropical Ecology (GTÖ) 2016, February 23 – 26, Göttingen, Germany,
- Ulrike Hiltner: Impacts of precipitation variability on the dynamics of a dry tropical montane forest
BES conference 2015, December 13 – 16, Edinburgh, Scotland,
- Nikolai Knapp: Joining dynamic forest modelling and Lidar remote sensing for biomass estimations
- Franziska Taubert: Modelling the Structure and Dynamics of Grasslands: The Role of Biodiversity for Productivity
- Rico Fischer: Simulating tropical forest carbon stocks and fluxes in a changing world using a process-based forest model
- Edna Roedig: Biomass in the Amazonian rainforest: regionalization of an individual-based forest gap model
- Sebastian Lehmann: A size-structured, spatially explicit symmetric model of tropical rain forest predicts multiple community patterns at once
European Conference Of Tropical Ecology (GTÖ) 2015, April 07 – 10, Zürich, Switzerland,
- Rico Fischer: Simulating tropical forest carbon stocks and fluxes in a changing world using an individual-based forest model
- Nikolai Knapp: How forest modelling can improve remote sensing of tropical forest biomass
BES conference 2014, December 09 – 12, Lille, France,
- Andreas Huth: Fragmentation of tropical forest: current state and global impacts
- Andreas Huth: Patterns of Local Species Richness in a Tropical Forest
- Franziska Taubert: The structure of tropical forests and sphere packings
- Friedrich Bohn: Different forests structures result in different biodiversity-productivity-relationships
- Mateus Dantas de Paula: Modelling degradation and recovery of tropical forests in a fragmented landscape
- Edna Roedig: Simulation of carbon fluxes: the value of Eddy-covariance data for dynamic forest models
- Sebastian Lehmann: A size-structured, spatial neutral model predicting multiple community patterns in tropical forests
ForestSAT conference 2014, November 04 – 07, Riva del Garda, Italy,
- Rico Fischer: Contribution to a higher accuracy of aboveground biomass estimations in tropical forests: Linking LiDAR data and forest simulations.
- Andreas Huth: Carbon Losses due to Tropical Forest Fragmentation: A Forgotten Process in the Global Carbon Cycle?
EGU conference 2014, April 27 – May 02, Vienna, Austria,
- Edna Rödig: Value of eddy-covariance data for individual-based, forest gap models.
- Rico Fischer: Simulating tropical carbon stocks and fluxes in a changing world using an individual-based forest model.
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- Andreas Huth:Carbon Losses due to Tropical Forest Fragmentation: A Forgotten Process in the Global Carbon Cycle?
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GTÖ conference 2014, February 25 ‐ 28, Freising, Germany,
- Sebastian Paulick: Tropical montane rainforests, a productivity and carbon cycle analysis
- Martin Kazmierczak: Patterns of local species richness in a tropical forest
- Ulrike Hiltner: Modeling the impacts of climate variability and logging on the dynamics of a dry tropical montane forest (Munessa Forest, Ethiopia)