Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions for the Use of FORMIND

In order to continue the development of the FORMIND forest model, it is easier if usefulness can be demonstrated. For this reason, we ask that users submit the data request form, which creates a record in our user database. The prospective investigator should resubmit the form for each substantially different project. Registration and use of FORMIND tools is free of charge. User data will be stored only to allow for communication of recent developments and/or model bug fixes.

If you are planning a FORMIND study, please download the most recent version of the FORMIND tool, not a version you got from “somewhere”. There are regular updates to the tools. The project group always greatly welcomes feedback from users.

In order to get a record of every use, we ask that the prospective investigator do not share the downloaded FORMIND tools with other parties not included on the data request form.

The following sources are to be acknowledged:

Köhler, P. and A. Huth (1998). “The effects of tree species grouping in tropical rainforest modelling: Simulations with the individual-based model FORMIND.” Ecological Modelling 109(3): 301-321.

Köhler, P. and A. Huth (2010). “Towards ground-truthing of spaceborne estimates of above-ground life biomass and leaf area index in tropical rain forests.” Biogeosciences 7(8): 2531-2543.

Bohn, F. J., Frank, K., Huth, A. (2014). “Of climate and its resulting tree growth: Simulating the productivity of temperate forests.” Ecological Modelling 278: 9-17.

Fischer, R., Bohn, F., de Paula, M. D., Dislich, C., Groeneveld, J., Gutiérrez, A. G., Martin Kazmierczak, M.,
Knapp, N. , Lehmann, S., Paulick, S., Pütz, S., Rödig, E. , Taubert, F. , Köhler, P. & Huth, A. (2016). “Lessons learned from applying a forest gap model to understand ecosystem and carbon dynamics of complex tropical forests.” Ecological Modelling 326: 124-133.

Rödig, E., et al. (2018). “The importance of forest structure for carbon fluxes of the Amazon rainforest.” Environmental Research Letters 13(5): 054013.

Copies of articles
Copies of articles using any FORMIND tool should be sent to info@formind.org once published.

Publications should also include the following acknowledgement:
“The FORMIND forest model (www.formind.org) is continuously developed at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ in Leipzig, Germany in the group of Prof. Dr. Andreas Huth.